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Our garlic

We sell our garlic in 500 g and 1 kg bunches, 1 kg strings, in baskets, trays and 5 kg bags.

Pink garlic

Pink garlic is known for its fine flavour : delicate, sweet and fruity. It is a hardneck variety (rigid stalk) and for this reason it is traditionally sold in bunches rather than strings.

The outer skin of pink garlic cloves is veined with a pretty pale pink and the heads are evenly shaped. Another plus : pink garlic keeps well, in optimum conditions from one harvest to the next. 

We offer :

> two sizes (60/80 and 70/90)
> from July to April (depending on weather conditions at harvest).


• “Ail rose de Lautrec”, Label Rouge et IGP,
(Lautrec pink garlic, French Label Rouge and PGI)

Lautrec pink garlic benefits from official recognition of its quality :
> Label Rouge since 1966
> Protected Geographical Indication (PGI).

Available in traditional bunches (500 g and 1 kg) and in 5 kg trays.

• Tarn pink garlic

> Available in 3 and 5 kg trays.




ail rose de Lautrec



 ail rose


Purple stripe garlic

Purple stripe garlic has purple striations on the bulbs and produces a large head. It also keeps very well.

> Available from June to March

• Cadours purple stripe garlic

The area's sunny exposure, the local microclimate and bright light together with the choice of variety are the plus points which result in a very early season garlic with a distinctive flavour.

> Available in 5 kg bags, 6 kg trays and nets of 3 heads.

• Tarn purple stripe garlic

> Available in a variety of packagings: 250 g net, 3 heads, strings, bunch, tray, bag…

ail violet de Cadours

ail violet

Arleux smoked garlic

Smoked garlic is easily recognised by its golden brown colour and its smoky aroma.

Arleux garlic was originally peat smoked to extend its keeping time and to dry it by covering it with a fine protective coating.

Smoked garlic is highly aromatic.

> Available in 500 g or 1 kg strings comprising 12 to 16 heads.

ail fumé d'Arleux


White garlic

We supply classic white garlic from May to January. We source most of our supplies from Provence, Tarn and Garonne.


Imported garlic

When the French season finishes – generally in March – imported produce takes up the baton with Argentine white, pink or purple stripe garlic, followed by white or purple stripe garlic from Mexico, until the first fresh French garlic returns in May, harvested in Beaumont de Lomagne (Tarn and Garonne).

 ail blanc

Culture d'ail à Lautrec

Growing of Lautrec pink garlic (photo ailrosedelautrec.com)